Ada, Lady Lovelace, is born

10th December 1815
Ada, Lady Lovelace, is born

Augusta Ada King, Lady Lovelace (10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852) is born.

Ada's father was Lord Byron, the famous poet. She was educated by private tutors, including advanced study in mathematics provided by Augustus De Morgan. Considered the first computer programmer, Ada worked with Charles Babbage writing extensive comments on his Difference Engine and Analytical Engine. Ada wrote an example sequence of mathematical operations for the Analytical Engine to calculate Bernoulli numbers, considered to be the first computer program. She died on November 27, 1852

A century later, in the 1970's, the computer language ADA was developed and named after Ada, Lady Lovelace. Based on the language PASCAL, ADA is a general-purpose language designed to be readable and easily maintained.

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Ada, Lady Lovelace, is born

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